The Real Reason Why Avatar’s are Blue

Last Modified on 30th April, 2023

The Real Reason Why Avatar’s are Blue


                                Avtar Movie

Avtar : When James Cameron’s Avatar was released over a decade ago, moviegoers across the
globe were mesmerized by Pandora, the beautiful and unique alien world populated by
creatures of all shapes and sizes. One of the most memorable elements of this world are its
inhabitants – the Na’vi, a race of 10-foot-tall aliens who just so happen to be blue. But why?
Why did Cameron choose to make these characters blue? Well, it turns out that there
wasn’t any grand reasoning behind it – he simply felt that blue was the only color that hadn’t
been taken by other cinematic characters. Let’s take a closer look at why Avatar’s lead crew
are blue.
James Cameron recently spoke with Empire for their January 2023 issue and was asked why
he decided to make the lead crew blue in Avatar . It turns out that there’s not any grand
reasoning behind the choice, it was simply the only colour he felt wasn’t taken by other
cinematic characters. “As for the colour: green was taken. There was a long history of green
aliens. Plus, the Hulk. And the human colours, pinks and browns, weren’t alien. SpongeBob
was yellow,” Cameron explained. “That pretty much left blue and purple. Purple is my
favourite colour”


Cameron went on to explain further why he chose blue for his iconic aliens in Avtar ; “Theoretically,
we could have gone with purple… but then we thought how many movies had purple aliens?
We wanted something distinctive that you hadn’t seen before – something recognisable as
an alien in two seconds flat". This is exactly what he accomplished with his design choices; a
single glance at one of these creatures reveals instantly that they’re not from Earth!
It’s fascinating to think about how such a seemingly small choice can have such huge
implications for an entire movie franchise – or even an entire genre! After all, if Cameron
had chosen another color instead of blue – say pink or yellow – would audiences have
responded differently? Would those colors have become as iconic as blue has become? It’s
hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain: thanks to Cameron’s creative vision (and his
own personal preference for purple), audiences around the world have been able to enjoy
one of cinema’s most beloved alien races for over a decade now!
Ultimately James Cameron made an inspired choice when deciding on what color to paint
his beloved Na’vi aliens; not only did he avoid using colors already tied to existing cinematic
characters like SpongeBob SquarePants and The Hulk but he also managed to create an
iconic character design which has stood up against time itself! While we may never know
how audiences would’ve responded if he had chosen another color like pink or yellow
instead of blue, one thing is certain – thanks to Cameron’s vision Avatar remains one of
cinema’s most beloved franchises today!


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